Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stormy weather

Wow, it has been a stormy April here in the midwest and the south this spring. Knock on wood, nothing like this picture has come close to our Tulsa bed and breakfast.
The Inn at Woodward Park does have a disaster plan in place. During storm season upon check-in, I show guests where the door to the basement is located. I inform them if the sirens sound at any time day or night that they may go there. We have emergency lights throughout the Inn that are plugged in to outlets in the hallways and guest rooms. These lights come on if the power goes out or they are unplugged. Guests can use them to light the way if necessary. These lights are inexpensive and can be found at any home improvement store.
In the basement, I keep bottled water, individually wrapped snack crackers, a first aid kit, a battery operated radio and a flashlight. A charged cell phone is a good thing to have also. The laundry is down in the basement, so there are plenty of blankets. I have a lot of pictures albums of my kids growing up down there that we could entertain ourselves with. I have some great pictures of me with the big hair of the 80s.
The Inn at Woodward Park is located about a mile from the Council Oak Tree that was a meeting place of the Creek Indians and ,according to legend, blessed ground. The oak tree still stands and is over 100 years old. It survived the ice storm several years ago without losing a limb while trees all over Tulsa crashed down. I am hoping we are close enough that we are protected here as well.
If you don't have a disaster plan at your home or place of business, make one now. The Red Cross can help you with that. My sons were Boy Scouts and I believe in the motto "Be Prepared."

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