Friday, February 4, 2011

Oklahoma weather

Oklahoma enjoys four seasons, sometimes all in one week. Less than one week ago today it was 76 degrees. People were wearing shorts and t-shirts, joggers and bicyclists were out on the Riverpark trails, and the outdoor patio seating was packed at Utica Square. Two days later a big winter storm came in. We had thunder sleet (sounds like the name of a heavy metal band to me). Seriously, it was lightning, thundering and sleet was pouring out of the sky. The following day we had a record snow fall of 14 inches. To all you Northerners that sounds like nothin. We Okies are not prepared for that kind of thing and think we can drive in it. We can't. Before the day was through, the street in front of our Tulsa bed and breakfast was blocked with stuck cars and trucks. A medical delivery truck jack knifed about a quarter mile from us. Thankfully he had already delivered the supplies. After 10 hours of waiting for a tow truck, he decided to stay at our Inn for the night. We were glad to be able to offer him a room with a warm bed and shower.
My husband finally got the drive and parking area cleared yesterday and wouldn't you know it; it is snowing again.
My car has not left the garage in 5 days and I don't know when it will. There are 3 foot drifts against the door. Our Inn was built in 1920 and the garage is a detached building built sometime later. I recently learned the reason garges were built away from the houses when automobiles were first being bought. People just never knew when those new fangled horseless carriages might decide to blow up and didn't want to burn the house down.
Despite the inconveniences of the snow, it is very beautiful and the perfect weather to snuggle up with your honey in a B&B.
Next week is Valentine's Day. Have you made your plans yet?

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