Thursday, September 30, 2010

Going Green

Green Travel is a fast growing trend in the tourism industry and I am proud to say I just recieved my ECO certification from the Oklahoma Department of Enviromental Quality. But I didn't start out that way when I opened my B&B 6 years ago.

Like most I ordered amenity sized soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc. from an online vendor and went to the local warehouse club to buy a case of 5000 sugar packets. I wanted to do things by the book, you know, the way things had always been done.

I had been going to the local Farmer's Market and buying things for my own personal use. One day I was visiting with Linda, the owner of Hilltop Honeyand a beekeeper. Linda makes soaps and lotions from her honey, olive oil and other organic products. I mentioned I wished she had amenity sizes I could use in my B&B. "Honey" She exclaimed. (She calls everyone Honey, isn't that cute?) I can do that!" Thus began a friendship and my quest to use local products.

I think Natural Farms was my next step. I joined their weekly food co-op. I get a bag of orgainc locally raised meat, a produce bag and the rise n shine bag. The rise n shine always includes local eggs, orgainc milk, a grain product which could be a cereal or bread and locally made jams, etc. The produce bag is always a surprise and includes 3 recipes using some of the in season produce for that week. I have learned to use vegatables I would normally not use. It is like an adventure every week.

You, too, can start small by making little changes and exploring your community for local products. It is fun, you make new friends and you are doing a good thing for you planet.

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